SlackSlack is primarily used for communication in teams, as the service can be perfectly integrated into the workflow. Slack does not reinvent the wheel, but it combines many practical features from other services in one package and is extremely compatible with external programs. This mix proves to be very useful and should pave the way for further growth. With Slack you will get notified for every HeyForm completion. Slack also brings all your team members communication and collaboration into one place, in which you will have better team productivity and efficiency.

Slack Integration

Integrating with Slack is easier than before, just follow these 4-step process to allow you posting messages using incoming webhooks in a few minutes:

1. Create a Slack App

To create a Slack app, simply click on the button below:

Create your Slack app

Pick a name, choose a workspace to associate your app with (you can start with a new channel for testing purpose first), and then click Create App. If you've already created one, you can use it too.

2. Enable Incoming Webhooks

After creating, you'll be redirected to the settings page for your new app (if you are using an existing app, just load its settings via your app's management dashboard).

From there select the Incoming Webhooks feature, and click the Activate Incoming Webhooks toggle to switch it on. If you already have this activated, well you are good to go.

3. Create an Incoming Webhook

Now that Incoming Webhooks are enabled, the settings page should refresh, and some extra options will appear. One of those options will be a really helpful button marked Add New Webhook to Workspace, and you should click it.

What this button does is trigger a shortcut version of the installation flow for Slack apps, one that is completely self-contained so that you don't have to actually build any code to generate an Incoming Webhook URL. We'll show how you can generate webhooks programmatically later, but for now you'll see something like the following screen:

Go ahead and pick a channel that the app will post to, and then click to Authorize your app.

You'll be sent back to your app settings, and you should now see a new entry under the Webhook URLs for Your Workspace section, with a Webhook URL that'll look something like this:

That URL is your shiny new Incoming Webhook which is specific to a single user, and a single channel.

Let's see how you can actually use that webhook to post a message.

4. Paste the URL to HeyForm

Now you can copy that Webhook URL. Then, click your newly created form and open the integration tab.

Now click on Slack configure button to paste the URL and save it by clicking the save button.

Now you will start receiving the notifications and submissions for every HeyForm completions in your Slack channel.